Everyone should have access to an authentic Christian community,

no matter the location.

A real community.

Believe it or not, the first believers didn’t have big-box buildings to meet in. They had their homes…and the great outdoors. The faith community was very personal. They helped smooth each others edges. They cared deeply for each other…prayer, encouragement, money…whatever was needed, they had each others’ backs.

Access is a growing network of Christian micro-communities.  We’ll help you form one, or find one you can jump into…right where you are. 

The project began in a local church where community-building was really important.  Centered around Ft. Drum, NY, many of our people were military, and would be moving every 2 or 3 years. When they did,  they’d tell us that they just couldn’t find that same inviting, close-knit atmosphere in their new location. And they’d say things like “we wish we could have taken our church with us.

That got us thinking, “why couldn’t they?” 

We may not be able to go with people in person, but we have the means to help start a new micro church community right where they land. We produce Jesus-centered content (video, audio, written) that will help spark honest conversations about faith, and invitations to follow Jesus in a small authentic community. And the coaching and encouragement every new Access group needs get up and running.

We understand that not everyone is in a place to lead a micro-community, and that’s OK! Everyone should still have access to one though.  And we’ll help you find one in the network, either locally (be part of one in person) or digitally

A shareable experience.

Jesus was really invite-y. He invited people to conversations. He invited himself to peoples’ parties. He invited people to spend time with him so they could “come and see” whether he was the real thing for themselves.

This is where authentic community begins…